編者: 黃吳潔華律師與孫文軒律師
Probate Dispute and Estate Administration
Author: Mrs. Cecilia Wong and Mr. J. SUEN
- What should you do to administer the Estate of your relatives after they passed away? 當你的親人離世後,你應如何申請處理死者的遺產?
You should apply for grant for the Estate of the Deceased. The Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap.10) delegates the power to issue Grant to the High Court. The Registrar of the High Court is asked to exercise such power and process all non-contentious applications. To assist the Registrar in discharging his duties, the Probate Registry has been established as part and parcel of the Judiciary.
There are 2 types of usual probate documents – Probate and Letters of Administration, depending on whether the Deceased left a will.
根據 《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(香港法例第10章),高等法院獲授發出授予書的權力,由高等法院司法常務官在處理所有無爭議的申請時行使,並在司法機構內設立遺產承辦處,以協助他執行工作。
一般來說有2種常見的遺產管理文件 – 即 遺囑認證 及 遺產管理書,視乎死者在生前有没有立下有效的遺囑。 - If the Deceased left a Will, who can apply for the Probate? 如果死者已簽立遺囑,可以由誰來申請授予書?
Usually, it is the executor named in the will to submit the application.
通常來說,應由遺囑執行人提出申請。 - If the Deceased did not leave a Will, who can apply for the Letters of Administration? 如果死者沒有簽立遺囑,可以由誰來申請遺產管理?
Rule 21 of the Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap.10A) regulates it. In simple words, the order of priority is:
(a) spouse,
(b) the child or one of the children of the Deceased,
(c) the father or mother of the Deceased,
(d) the brother or sister of the Deceased.
(a) 配偶,
(b) 死者的一名子女,
(c) 死者的父親或母親,
(d) 死者的一名兄弟姊妹。 - Whether home-made will is valid? 家中自行訂立的遺囑是否有效?
Pursuant to the Wills Ordinance, Cap. 30, there are specific formal requirements for execution of a Will. However, solicitors can assist the executor of a home-made Will to apply for Probate.
按香港法例第30章《遺囑條例》規定, 遺囑是有特定的訂立和見證要求。但是, 就家中自行訂立的遺囑, 亦可交律師代表遺囑執行人申請處理。
Contentious Probate Matters without a Will 没有遺囑的遺產訴訟
Case Study
Your mother is now very sick. She will have only 2 surviving beneficiaries: her Son (you) & daughter (your younger sister). You suspect your younger sister may force your mother to sign on a will / you suspect your younger sister unlawfully deals with your mother’s assets.
你的母親現在病重, 她只有2名在生的繼承人 – 她的兒子(即是你) 及她的女兒(你的妹妹)。你懷疑你妹妹強逼母親簽下遺囑 / 你懷疑你的妹妹會不當使用母親的資產。 - Whether your younger sister can apply for grant of the Estate without notifying you after your mother passed away? 母親逝世後,你的妹妹可以在不知會你的情況下申請成為遺產承辦人嗎?
The simple answer is Yes. Applicant with same priority can apply for grant without informing the other parties. The court will process her application without informing you or asking for your approval
簡單的答案是可以的。當2位提出申請成為遺產承辦人的人有相同的優先次序, 其中一方可以向法庭申請而不知會其他人的。法庭亦可以在不知會及不需得到你同意的情況下發出承辦書。 - What should you do to avoid your sister applying for grant of the Estate without notifying you? 你應怎樣做以避免妹妹在不知會你的情況下申請成為母親遺產承辦人?
You can enter a Caveat to ensure no grant is issued without notice to you.
You should note that a Caveat is a complicated legal procedure and you should seek legal advice without any delay.
知會備忘及之後的法律程序屬於複雜的法律程序,你應該立刻諮詢你的律師。 - Why do you want to stop your sister from applying for grant?你為何需要避免你的妹妹申請遺產承辦書?
If a grant of probate is issued to your sister, she then becomes the administratrix / executrix of the Estate. She is vested with the power to deal with the assets and liability of the Estate. For example, she can access and make transfer with all the bank accounts held under the Deceased name, she can sell the landed property of the Deceased.
It may be difficult and costly for you to identify your younger sister’s misconduct, if any. And it may be difficult to remove her as the administrator and sue her for damages.
就遺產管理人的不當行為搜證可能十分費時及昂費,而且申請移除遺產管理人亦需向法庭申請。 - What should you do if both you and your sister intend to be the administrator of the Estate? 如你及你的妹妹都想成為遺產管理人,你該怎樣做?
It is governed by the Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap. 10a)
In simple words, both parties would be required to file evidence with the Court. The court will hold a substantive hearing and decide who should be the administrator of the Estate.
Probate Litigation with Will 有遺囑情況下的訴訟
Case Study
Your mother passed away. Your sister now produces a Will, which you believe that it is fabricated or your mother was forced to execute the Will.
你的母親去世後, 你的妹妹現在拿出一張母親的遺囑, 你相信該遺囑是妹妹強迫母親訂立的。 - What should you do ? 你應如何處理?
It is a contentious probate proceedings, and it is be governed by O.76 of the Rules of High Court (Cap. 4A). Usually, the Court is required to rule whether the Will is valid. The Court will look at whether the testatrix has the mental capacity to execute the will and whether she is forced to execute the will. It is a complicated legal proceedings. You should seek legal advice without any delay.
這是有爭議的遺產訴訟, 由高等法院規則第76條監管。一般來說, 法庭需要裁定該遺囑是否真確。而法庭會決定訂立遺囑者是否有行為能力去訂立遺囑, 也會裁定訂立遺囑者是否被強逼簽署。此乃複雜的法律程序, 你應立即尋找專業的法律意見。
Administration of the Estate 遺產管理 - What are the fundamental duties of an administrator / executor? 遺產管理人的基本工作是甚麼?
The administrator / executor owes a duty to the Estate. He must act for the best interest of the Estate.
There are also some other duties, including but not limited to, produce proper inventory of the Estate, be fair and unbiased to all beneficiaries and to distribute the Estate in an efficient manner.
遺產管理人須對遺產負責任, 他必須以遺產最佳利益為依歸去管理遺產。
他也需負上其他責任, 包括但不限於提交遺產財物清單, 對所有受益人公平及快速及時地分配遺產。 - What is the power of an administrator / executor? 遺產管理人有甚麼權力?
The administrator /executor is vested with the power to deal with the assets and liability of the Estate. For example, he can access and make transfer with all the bank accounts held under the Deceased name, he can sell the landed property of the Deceased, he can make interim distribution to beneficiaries.
遺產承辦人擁有遺產管理的權力。例如,可以作為信托人接管死者的銀行戶口及作出交易或轉帳,她亦可以出售死者的物業並處理獲得的收益, 亦可作出中期遺產分配。 - You suspect that the administrator steals money from the Estate or he does not distribute the Estate for a long time, what can you do? 如你覺得遺產管理人盜取遺產財產或長時間不分發遺產, 你可以怎樣做?
You can ask the administrator to produce a proper inventory and account of the Estate.
If the Administrator fails to do so, you can commence an administration action against the Administrator. You may ask the Court to remove the Administrator and ask the Administrator be personally liable for the loss of the Estate. You may request the Administrator to personally bear your legal costs.
The action is governed by O. 85 of the Rules of High Court (Cap. 4A) and Probate and Administration Ordinance.
This is a complicated legal proceedings, and you should forthwith seek legal advice.
如果遺產管理人拒絕你的要求, 你可開展遺產管理訴訟, 向法庭申請移除遺產管理人及要求他為遺產損失負上個人責任。你也可以要求遺產管理人個人承擔你的法律費用。
這乃複雜的法律程序, 你應立即尋找法律意見。
香港律師會理事;香港律師會調解委員會主席;聯合調解專線辦事處有限公司董事;香港調解資歷評審協會有限公司委員會 副主席;香港終審法院首席法官調解工作小組組員;律政司司長調解督導委員會委員;上訴審裁團(香港法例第123章建築物條例)主席等。