China Notary | 中國公証
案例摘要 – Summary of a complicated case
1. 甚麼時候需要中國公証?When do I need China Notary in Hong Kong ?
When your business in Mainland China involves matters or people in Hong Kong, the authorities in Mainland China always require a China Appointed Attesting Officer to attest the documents.
When your business in Mainland China involves matters or people in Hong Kong, the authorities in Mainland China always require a China Appointed Attesting Officer to attest the documents.
2. 我想出具一份聲明在內地使用,但是我現在正住院且行動不便。請問中國委托公証人可以到醫院見証簽署嗎?I would like to make a declaration, but I am now hospitalized. Can the China Appointed Attesting officer witness my signature in the hospital?
Yes. The China-Appointed Attesting Officer can witness signature on relevant document in a designated location other than our firm, if necessary.
Yes. The China-Appointed Attesting Officer can witness signature on relevant document in a designated location other than our firm, if necessary.
3. 我的父親在香港過身。他是香港居民且在內地有房產,但沒有遺囑。我要如何處理他在國內的遺產?My father, a Hong Kong resident, has just passed away. He owned a property in mainland China but did not have a will. What should I do if I wish to handle my father’s estate?
Generally speaking, the deceased’s spouse, children and parent(s) are entitled to the estate. The administrator is required to produce a declaration of administration of estate to Mainland China authorities to handle the deceased’s estate. Such a declaration can be made before a China Appointed Attesting Officer in Hong Kong, and will be effective after its copy is mailed to the relevant Mainland China authorities through China Legal Service (HK) Ltd.
Generally speaking, the deceased’s spouse, children and parent(s) are entitled to the estate. The administrator is required to produce a declaration of administration of estate to Mainland China authorities to handle the deceased’s estate. Such a declaration can be made before a China Appointed Attesting Officer in Hong Kong, and will be effective after its copy is mailed to the relevant Mainland China authorities through China Legal Service (HK) Ltd.
4. 我想出售在國内的房產,但當局要求我出具一份証明,証明我的身份證明文件及其他文件。我可
以通過香港的中國委託公證人辦理有關証明嗎?I wish to sell my property in mainland China. The Mainland China authorities require a certificate to verify my identity document and other documents. Can The China Appointed Attesting Officer in Hong Kong issue such a certificate?
以通過香港的中國委託公證人辦理有關証明嗎?I wish to sell my property in mainland China. The Mainland China authorities require a certificate to verify my identity document and other documents. Can The China Appointed Attesting Officer in Hong Kong issue such a certificate?
The China-Appointed Attesting Officer can issue a certificate to verify identity documents and other documents issued by the Hong Kong authorities. If your indentity document or other documents are issued by other countries, the China-Appointed Attesting Officer may not be able to assist you.
The China-Appointed Attesting Officer can issue a certificate to verify identity documents and other documents issued by the Hong Kong authorities. If your indentity document or other documents are issued by other countries, the China-Appointed Attesting Officer may not be able to assist you.
5. 我持有香港身份證,而我的伴侶持有內地身份證。我們均是單身,並想在國内辦理結婚登記手續。請問中國委託公證人可以幫我證明相關的文件嗎?I am a holder of Hong Kong Identity Card, and my partner is a holder of MainlanD China identity card. Both of us are single, and we wish to get married in mainland China. Can the China-Appointed Attesting Officer attest the relevant documents?
Yes. Generally, you need to apply for a Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record at Hong Kong Immigration Department. Then, you may engage a China-Appointed Attesting Officer to make a declaration of the absence of spouse and that intended couple are not related by blood.
Yes. Generally, you need to apply for a Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record at Hong Kong Immigration Department. Then, you may engage a China-Appointed Attesting Officer to make a declaration of the absence of spouse and that intended couple are not related by blood.
6. 我和配偶在香港結婚,現時想更改我們在派出所的婚姻狀態紀錄,請問可以如何證明我們的關系?My spouse and I were married in Hong Kong. We want to change our record of marriage status at the authorities in Mainland China. What should we do?
You may engage a China-Appointed Attesting Officer to verify your Hong Kong Marriage Certificate.
You may engage a China-Appointed Attesting Officer to verify your Hong Kong Marriage Certificate.
7. 吳建華律師行有中國委託公證人嗎? Does Kevin Ng & Co., Solicitors have any China-Appointed Attesting Officer(s)?
Mrs. Cecilia Ng Wong Kit Wah of our firm is a qualified China-Appointed Attesting Officer. Please contact our staff through telephone 852-2545-8181 for details.
Mrs. Cecilia Ng Wong Kit Wah of our firm is a qualified China-Appointed Attesting Officer. Please contact our staff through telephone 852-2545-8181 for details.