Gallery | 畫廊
3 July 2024
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong as director of JMHO spoke at JMHO training session on Mediation for Compulsory Sale of Land Cases. She shared the presentation highlights for the PASS FUND project of JMHO on “the Role of Mediation on expediting redevelopment & protecting the private property rights of minority owners.” In particular, she discussed about the current practices and challenges on compulsory sale, and offered insights towards the implication of the proposed amendments to the Cap.545 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance. 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師作為聯合調解專線辦事處的董事,在強拍土地案件調解的培訓課程上發表講話。她分享了聯合調解專線辦事處 PASS FUND項目內的演講要點,該項目主題為「調解促進市區重建和保障小業主的角色」。她特別討論到強拍土地的現行做法和挑戰,並就香港法例第545章《土地(為重新發展而強制售賣)條例》擬議修訂的影響提出見解。 |
28 May 2024
Our partner, Mrs. Cecilia Wong, as Chairlady of the Mediation Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong, shared at the JMHO Mediation Conference, organized by the Joint Mediation Helpline Office. With insightful presentations made by Mr. Paul Lam, Secretary for Justice; Ms. Bernadette LIinn, Secretary for Development; Ms. Vivian Kong, JMHO Ambassador, as well as other esteemed guests, there was a greater understanding about the role of mediation on expediting redevelopment and protecting the private property rights of minority owners. 本行合夥人黃吳潔華律師作為香港律師會調解委員會主席,在聯合調解專線辦事處舉辦的調解會議作出分享。該會議講者包括律政司司長林定國、發展局局長甯漢豪、聯合調解專線辦事處大使江旻憓等嘉賓。精彩的分享加強了公眾對如何運用調解促進市區重建和保障小數業主私有財產權的理解。 |
20 May 2024
January 2024
Our senior partner Mr. Kevin Ng, as practicing lawyer in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, was invited to visit SD & PARTNERS. Senior Partners of SD & PARTNERS and our Mr. Ng had in-depth exchanges on the scope of practice of practicing lawyers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the similarities and differences between mainland practicing lawyers and Hong Kong practicing lawyers in terms of working environment, legal system and practice standards, as well as mutual promotion of business development, etc., and discussed strengthening business ties, carry out business exchanges, promote business cooperation and reach consensus. 本行高級合伙人,粵港澳大灣區執業律師吳建華先生受邀前往晟典律師事務所參觀交流。 晟典高級合伙人等與吳律師就粵港澳大灣區執業律師的執業範圍、內地執業律師與香港執業律師在工作環境、法律體系和執業規範等方面的異同以及互促業務發展等議題作了深度交流,並就加強業務聯繫、開展業務交流、促進業務合作等達成共識。 |
August 2023
In Chengdu: As one of the representatives of the Law Society of Hong Kong, our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong acted as the mediator in the mock mediation session at the sixth Hong Kong Legal Services Forum in Chengdu, organised by the Department of Justice (DoJ) and co-organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. In Beijing: Mrs. Wong also attended the the Second Seminar on the Legal Challenges and Coping Strategies under the Belt & Road Initiative in Beijing, organised by the State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of the State Council and co-organised by the Department of Treaty & Law of the Ministry of Commerce and the DoJ. 在成都: 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師作為香港律師會的代表之一,在成都參與由律政司主辦、香港貿易發展局合辦的第六屆香港法律服務論壇,並在模擬調解中擔任調解員。 在北京: 黃律師亦在北京出席了由國務院國有資產監督管理委員會(國資委)主辦,香港律政司和商務部共同舉辦的第二屆「一帶一路」法律挑戰與應對策略培訓班。 |
June 2023
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong spoke at the Symposium "最高人民法院司法服務和保障粵港澳大灣區建設發展調研座談會" of the research office of The Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China held at the Shenzhen Qianhai Coorporation Zone People's Court. 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師參與最高人民法院研究室調研組在深圳前海合作區人民法院召開之“司法服務和保障粵港澳大灣區建設發展”調研座談會並發言。 |
May 2023
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was the moderator at the session of "Synergy of Mediation in Case Settlement Conferences" of the “Mediate First” Pledge Event 2023" organised by the Department of Justice. The link to the video of the event can be found at the Judiciary's website at 本行黃律師於律政司舉辦的2023年「調解為先」調解論壇《調解在案件和解會議中的協同效應》擔任主持人。該活動影片見香港司法機構網頁: |
December 2022
Our firm received the Gold Award in the 2022 Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme presented by the Law Society of Hong Kong. In addition, our senior partner Mr. Kevin Ng was awarded the Silver Award, and our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was awarded the Gold Award. 本行獲得香港律師會2022年度公益法律及社區服務金獎。本行合伙人吳建華律師獲得銀獎, 合伙人黃吳潔華律師獲得金獎。 |
November 2022
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong spoke at the Seminar "「你講、我講、大家講!你聽、我聽、大家聽!」", a Professional Development seminar designed for school principals and school supervisors, jointly organised by the Catholic Eduation Office and the Joint Mediation Helpline Office (JMHO). 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師作為其中一名講者,出席天主教教育事務處及聯合調解專線辦事處(JMHO)聯合舉辦之校監、校長專業發展講座:「你講、我講、大家講!你聽、我聽、大家聽!」。 |
November 2020
Our partner Mrs Cecilia Wong acted as moderator in the Webinar -- "Case Settlement Conference Pilot Scheme to be launched in District Court of the Judiciary" during Legal Week 2020, which was organised by the Department of Justice. 本行黃吳律師於律政司舉辦的香港法律周2020網絡研討會之一 - "司法機構區域法院案件和解會議試驗計劃" 擔任主持人。 |
29 May 2021
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong conducted an online lecture for Peking University students on the topic, "Globalization of Chinese Lawyers". The event was co-organised by the Peking University Law School and the Law Society of Hong Kong. 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師為北京大學學生進行了有關中國律師國際化的網上課程。 |
September 2020
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong conducted an online CPD webinar, "Dos and Don'ts For Mediation Practice" which was organised by the Joint Mediation Helpline Office. 本行黃吳律師於聯合調解專線辦事處舉辦的網絡研討會發表演講,題目為"Dos and Don'ts for Mediation Practice"。 |
June 2020 Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was presented a souvenir for her 20 years service as Hong Kong Law Society Council Member. 香港律師公會為答謝本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師為公會工作了20年向黃律師致贈紀念獎項。 |
30 May 2020
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong conducted an online lecture for Peking University Law School Students on the topic on Globalization of Chinese Lawyer. 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師為北京大學法律系學生進行了有關中國律師國際化的網上課程。 |
19 December 2019
Our firm received the Gold Award in the 2019 Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme presented by the Law Society of Hong Kong. In addition, our senior partner Mr. Kevin Ng was awarded the Silver Award, our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was awarded the Gold Award and the Pro Bono and Community Service 10-Year Achievement Award and our consultant Mr. Kwok Wing Lung was awarded the Gold Award. 本行獲得香港律師會2019年度公益法律及社區服務金獎。 本行合伙人吳建華律師獲得銀獎,合伙人黃吳潔華律師獲得金獎及公益法律及社區服務十年獎與顧問律師郭永隆律師獲得金獎。 |
Our firm proudly celebrated its 20th Anniversary since it was founded in 1999 by our partners Mr. Kevin Ng and Mrs. Cecilia Wong. 本行熱烈慶祝及誌慶開業二十周年 。本行於1999年由合伙人吳建華律師及黃吳潔華律師創立。 |
21 February 2019
Attended the Spring Cocktail Reception of the Law Society of Hong Kong. 出席香港律師會己亥年新春酒會。 |
12 December 2018
8 December 2018
Attended the 2018 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme Prize Presentation Ceremony. Our firm was proud to receive the Special Mention (Gold) award. 出席家庭議會舉辦的2018年度家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃頒獎典禮。本行幸獲得特別嘉許(金獎)。 ' |
28 November 2018
Attending the Annual Cocktail Reception of the Law Society of Hong Kong. 出席香港律師會周年酒會。 |
24 June 2018
Our partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was invited to attend the Open Day of the Qianhai District Court and to take part in the Greater Bay Area legal forum in Shenzhen. 本行合伙人黃吳潔華律師獲邀到深圳前海合作區人民法院開放日及出席粵港澳大灣區和自貿區建設司法保障座談會。 |
17 April 2018
Our firm was proud to receive the Company Award in the 2016-2017 Recognition Scheme for Provision of Pro Bono Legal Services presented by the Home Affairs Bureau. In addition, our Partners Mr. Kevin Ng and Mrs. Cecilia Wong were awarded the Individuals' Award and our consultant Mr. Kwok Wing Lung was awarded the Individuals' Special Award. 本行獲得民政事務局義務法律服務表揚計劃2016-2017年度公司獎項。 本行合伙人吳建華律師與黃吳潔華律師獲得個人組獎項及顧問律師郭永隆律師獲得個人組特別獎。 |

30 December 2017
Mr. Jacky Suen was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR.
Mr. Jacky Suen was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR.

21 December 2017
Christmas lunch with all staff at KNC.
Christmas lunch with all staff at KNC.

14 December 2017
Attended Christmas Party held by Law Society of Hong Kong.
Attended Christmas Party held by Law Society of Hong Kong.

The Hon Chief Justice Ma (middle) and the president of the Law Society Mr Thomas So (left) presented the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Gold award to KNC.
The Hon Chief Justice Ma (middle) and the president of the Law Society Mr Thomas So (left) presented the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Gold award to KNC.

Mr. Mak Kam Hung was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR.
Mr. Mak Kam Hung was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR.

Office lunch to welcome new staff joining our team.
Office lunch to welcome new staff joining our team.
13/05/2017 Attended the 110th Jubilee Celebration Dinner of the Law Society of Hong Kong. 出席香港律師會110週年晚宴。 |
Attended the Spring Cocktail Reception of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
Attended the Spring Cocktail Reception of the Law Society of Hong Kong.
Mrs. Cecilia Wong and Mr. Raymond Ng attended the 2016 Teen Talk on Deconstructing Cyber Crime as organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong. We had the opporunity to interact with participating secondary school students. 本行黃吳潔華律師與吳冠勇律師出席由香港律師會舉辦的青Teen講場2016,與在場中學生一同拆解網上罪行。 |
Our firm was proud to receive the Gold Award in the 2016 Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme presented by the Law Society of Hong Kong. In addition, our Partners Mr. Kevin Ng and Mrs. Cecilia Wong were awarded the Bronze Award and the Gold Award respectively. 本行幸獲得香港律師會2016年度公益法律及社區服務金獎。 吳建華律師與黃吳潔華律師分別獲得銅獎及金獎。 |
Our Partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was invited to be a guest at the Show "Life is so happy" at Metro Radio. On the topics of divorce and mediation, the programme was scheduled to be broadcast on 22nd and 29th December 2016 (Thursday) from 8 am to 9 am. 本行黃吳潔華律師獲邀作為新城知訊台《原來生活很快樂》的嘉賓,向聽眾分享有關離婚與調解的資訊。節目於2016年12月22日及29日(星期四)上午8時至9時播出。 |
Our Partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong was invited by Commissioner of the Correctional Services Mr. Isaac Yau to visit the Lai King Correctional Institution. Vocational training helped the young female inmates turn over a new leaf after their release. We were deeply impressed by the scrumptious lunch prepared by them. 本行黃吳潔華律師獲懲教署署長邱子昭先生之邀請,探訪勵敬懲教所。所內的女性青少年在囚人士得到不同的職業培訓課程,有助她們獲釋後重拾新生。探訪期間,她們為我們準備了美味的午餐。 |

Office Luncheon at The Chinese Club.
Office Luncheon at The Chinese Club.
Our Partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong and our Trainee Solicitor Mr. Jacky Suen attended the Litigation Reform Discussion Forum in Qianhai, Shenzhen and exchanged views with scholars and judges regarding the future developments of the Qianhai District Court. 本行黃吳潔華律師及孫文軒見習律師出席在深圳前海舉辦的訴訟機制改革研討會,與會成員交換有關庭審制度的意見。 |
Our Partner Mrs. Cecilia Wong attended the Opening Ceremony of the 1st Qianhai Hong Kong - related Commercial Mediation Forum and delivered a speech on the subject of Commercial Mediation in Hong Kong. She was also appointed a Qianhai Mediator on the same day. 本行黃吳潔華律師出席深圳前海合作區人民法院訴調對接中心揭幕禮暨第一屆前海涉港商事調解論壇,並就此發表演説。黃吳律師亦被聘任為調解員。 |