Mediation | 調解
1. 我和另一方在小額錢債審裁處,沒有調解員的情況下,簽了和解協議。如果對方不願意承認協 議,此協議還有效嗎? My opponent and I signed a settlement agreement at the Small Claims Tribunal. We signed it without the presence of a mediator. Will the agreement still be valid if one party refuses to honour the agreement?
The agreement will still be valid. A settlement agreement can be enforced in the manner under a contract and is binding on the parties. The party can sue the other party who does not comply with the agreement.
The agreement will still be valid. A settlement agreement can be enforced in the manner under a contract and is binding on the parties. The party can sue the other party who does not comply with the agreement.
2. 調解是不是要找律師?Does mediation require the assistance of lawyers?
When you take part in mediation, you do not usually need the assistance of your lawyers. Although you may choose to mediate without having a lawyer with you, the participation of a lawyer may assist both parties to settle the disputes more quickly and efficiently. You are advised to consult lawyers so you may understand the relevant law and better prepared for the mediation. Although some mediators are lawyers, they will not provide legal advice to the parties during mediation.
When you take part in mediation, you do not usually need the assistance of your lawyers. Although you may choose to mediate without having a lawyer with you, the participation of a lawyer may assist both parties to settle the disputes more quickly and efficiently. You are advised to consult lawyers so you may understand the relevant law and better prepared for the mediation. Although some mediators are lawyers, they will not provide legal advice to the parties during mediation.
3. 我因為家庭暴力想離婚。我應該用調解的方式解決嗎?Due to domestic violence, I will petition for divorce, should I attempt mediation to resolve the disputes?
Mediation in an effective means of dispute resolution and is useful in nearly all types of cases. However, mediation may be not suitable in cases involving domestic violence. You are advised to consult a lawyer.
Mediation in an effective means of dispute resolution and is useful in nearly all types of cases. However, mediation may be not suitable in cases involving domestic violence. You are advised to consult a lawyer.
4. 我可以強迫對方一定要用調解來解決問題嗎?Can I force the other party to attempt mediation?
No. Mediation is a voluntary process. It is an option for parties to decide whether or not they will attempt mediation before litigation in order to save litigation cost and time. Generally, during the litigation process of a civil case, each party is required to submit a copy of mediation notice to the court and the opposite party. Parties cannot be forced to mediate if they are unwilling to do so. However, if the party who refuses to attempt mediation is not able to provide valid reasons to do so, the court may order that party to pay costs.
No. Mediation is a voluntary process. It is an option for parties to decide whether or not they will attempt mediation before litigation in order to save litigation cost and time. Generally, during the litigation process of a civil case, each party is required to submit a copy of mediation notice to the court and the opposite party. Parties cannot be forced to mediate if they are unwilling to do so. However, if the party who refuses to attempt mediation is not able to provide valid reasons to do so, the court may order that party to pay costs.
5. 調解過程中調解員會偏幫其中一方嗎?Will the mediator be biased towards any particular party?
No. The mediator is a neutral third party who helps all parties to look at issues from various points of views and identify possible solutions, thus facilitating the formulation of an acceptable agreement to all parties.
No. The mediator is a neutral third party who helps all parties to look at issues from various points of views and identify possible solutions, thus facilitating the formulation of an acceptable agreement to all parties.
6. 調解員會把我的資料泄露給對方嗎?Will the mediator disclose my confidential communication?
No. According to the Mediation Ordinance, mediation is confidential in nature. Unless there are very exceptional circumstances, nobody including the mediator is allowed to disclose the confidential communication.
No. According to the Mediation Ordinance, mediation is confidential in nature. Unless there are very exceptional circumstances, nobody including the mediator is allowed to disclose the confidential communication.
7. 我怎麼知道哪一些調解員是可以信賴的?How can I know if a mediator is trustworthy?
香港調解資歷評審協會有限公司 (HKMAAL) 有一份認可調解員的名冊可供參考。詳情請瀏覽。
Please refer to the HKMAAL website for the list of qualified mediators.
Please refer to the HKMAAL website for the list of qualified mediators.
8. 吳建華律師行有調解員嗎?Does Kevin Ng & Co., Solicitors have any mediators?
本行有兩名認可調解員,分別為黃吳潔華律師和吳建華律師。詳情可聯繫本行職員,電話號碼 852-2545 8181。
Our firm has two accredited mediators. They are Mrs. Cecilia Ng Wong Kit Wah and Mr. Kevin Ng. Please contact our staff at telephone number 852-2545 8181.
Our firm has two accredited mediators. They are Mrs. Cecilia Ng Wong Kit Wah and Mr. Kevin Ng. Please contact our staff at telephone number 852-2545 8181.